眼鏡蛇效應 — 弄巧成拙之好心做壞事英國政府殖民印度時,市民飽受眼鏡蛇之苦,英國政府因此下令懸賞捕殺眼鏡蛇,豐厚的賞金讓很多人開始獵殺眼鏡蛇。隨著野生眼鏡蛇數量減少,英國政府卻發現前來領取賞金的人仍絡繹不絕,原來人們為了賞金開始在家裡飼養眼鏡蛇。Mar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023
職涯發展卡關了?追求自我成長,你可以更有方向之前寫過一篇文章講職場能力的各種面向,但有時在學習成長的路上,卻好像身處迷霧之中,不知道可以往哪裡前進才是對的?Aug 11, 2022Aug 11, 2022
What is the difference between Lean and Six Sigma?Lean (lean production) and Six Sigma (6σ) are often collectively called Lean Six Sigma, so what is the difference between Lean, Six Sigma…May 26, 20223May 26, 20223
How to drive Continuous Improvement Project(CIP) in organization?If you want to make some change in your organization and hope to drive continuous improvement projects well, here are keys for you:Feb 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022
精實數位轉型 Lean Digital Transformation - Lean Six Sigma與數位工具的結合精實Lean的概念已存在多年,過去主要應用在製造領域,強調及時化(Just-in-Time)、自働化(Jidoka)、拉式生產(Pull system)、單件流(One Piece flow)等概念,透過上述方法來降低生產線上的8大浪費(8 Wastes)。Jan 20, 20221Jan 20, 20221
One Page Resume英文履歷撰寫必讀技巧研究顯示,負責招募的人力資源單位平均僅會花8秒鐘在一份履歷上,如何在最短時間吸引到面試官的目光,將是決定能不能進到面試的關鍵。Jan 17, 20221Jan 17, 20221
5 Essential skills to be a outstanding Six Sigma Black Belt and Green BeltThis is Ian, a Six Sigma Black Belt with 7 years of experience in Lean Six Sigma coaching and training.Jan 13, 20222Jan 13, 20222
一次看懂 IATF-16949 五大核心工具重點(APQP,FMEA,MSA,SPC,PPAP)之前寫過一篇文章介紹新產品開發流程管理的工具APQP,APQP是IATF16949五大核心工具其中一項,本篇文章針對五大核心工具進一步介紹。Dec 29, 20212Dec 29, 20212
【線上課程】Executive Data Science Specialization-Johns Hopkins Coursera 資料科學認證課程介紹在搜尋Data Science相關線上課程時,發現了Coursera的Executive Data Science Specialization,是由Johns Hopkins University所製作。Nov 5, 20211Nov 5, 20211